Take a Break – And miss a deadline!

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance this week. In particular, balance between work and my self-care, and the pervasive imbalance in society as a whole. As if by design, we stumbled across a new docu-series on Netflix last night, as I was lying exhausted on the couch, called “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.” The first episode was about Okinawa, Japan and their concept of Ikigai.

What resonated with me throughout the episode was how they just “live.” They aren’t trying to be healthy or forcing themselves to endure unnatural exercise routines. They get up, eat a variety of fresh foods, spend time outdoors, enjoy their friends and families, and accept that life will unfold naturally for them. And it does. Like it would for us too if we were able to set aside our desire to compete, get ahead of each other, and prove our worth to imagined judges and critics.

It seems so simple and straightforward – to be happy, we just have to stop holding ourselves to unrealistic expectations and fully accept our limits. Yet our ego holds us prisoner. A relentless slavedriver that has broken our spirit and even fooled us into believing we need it to find success and happiness in life!

And yet, look around you! Look at the people in your office environment, at the airport, on the roads – really look at them – are they genuinely smiling and laughing? Enjoying life? Or are they putting on a good face in public so others aren’t burdened by their heartaches, fears and insecurities, or (god forbid) feel they should offer them their pity.

No one wants to admit they can’t do everything the world sends their way – but whether you like it not, you have limits and sooner or later the rubber band will snap you back to your senses or leave you completely broken.

In our charts, the zodiac sign of Libra represents balance – balance and equality and finding peace and harmony in our lives and relationships. The house with Libra on the cusp of your chart can show you where it’s healthy and beneficial to prioritize balance and harmony in your life while the opposite house, with the sign of Aries on the cusp, shows where you likely have challenges.

To give an example, someone with Libra on the 12th house needs solitude and quiet time alone to heal their bodies, tap into their creative nature, and live a fulfilling life. Time in nature, long walks, meditation and prayer routines, and connecting with the Divine or their Higher Power is critical. 

Unfortunately, 12th house Librans often struggle with finding balance between the need for self-care and spiritual maintenance and their day-to-day lives – juggling work demands, waking up on a set schedule each day and blasting through a morning routine to get out the door, or even fitting in a regular form of exercise – all themes associated with the day-to-day grind and focus on self-improvement and care that fall under 6th house topics.

So how do you successfully balance the tug of war between two opposing houses?

The first step is to become aware of the competing areas of your life.

Look for the signs of Libra and Aries in your chart and dig into the topics that these two houses represent. 

Here’s a quick cheat sheet of the opposing dynamics of each set of houses to get you started:

1st House and 7th House – Individual needs and self-discovery vs. commitments and cooperation in relationships.

2nd House and 8th House – Personal financial security and material comfort vs. managing shared resources and embracing transformative experiences.

3rd House and 9th House – Day-to-day communication and local activities vs. broader philosophical beliefs and long-distance experiences.

4th House and 10th House – Personal life, home environment, and family responsibilities vs. professional ambitions and public standing.

5th House and 11th House – Personal creative pursuits and romantic interests vs. social connections and collective goals.

6th House and 12th House – Daily responsibilities and health routines vs. spiritual practices, introspection, and connecting with the subconscious mind.

Next, start prioritizing the topics represented by the house with Libra on the cusp.

You likely already struggle with the themes of the Aries house so put more attention on recognizing where you’re likely compromising too much (Libra is the ultimate people-pleasing, compromising, and self-effacing energy of the zodiac).

Once you understand these two focal points in your chart, you can start working towards a balanced integration of these two areas of life. The idea is to start incorporating some of the Libra energy into the areas of life that the sign Aries in your chart represents and vice versa.

Going back to my previous example, the energy of Libra exudes beauty and grace and balance and the 12th house is reflective, spiritual, and solitary. If you want to implement a regular exercise routine in you life, a 6th house topic, choose physical activity that reflects those Libran and 12th house values – Tai Chi, Yoga, dancing, or outdoor exercise like hiking or long walks in nature are all be great ways to motivate yourself naturally to live a more balanced life.

Sounds simple doesn’t it? But know that since these areas of life are in opposition that you will struggle – that’s the point! Struggle creates strength and mastery – so don’t give up! Get creative and give yourself a break if you fail. Over time, you’ll appreciate the push and pull energy and the interesting dynamics it brings to life when you learn to swim with the waves.

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